Wednesday, August 03, 2005

[stream] "dream towards"

Opening my eyes I saw lit neon, trailing, flashing, blinking in and out of existence, perfect renderings of lit trajectories. I heard the whispers of the metro, the declarations of engines and aluminum machines, the primal rhythms of footsteps and jumbled noise, the procession of perpetual fluoresence.

Sliding into the wires I slipped out to the empty darkness of space. Motioning along at the speed of light, I was still and never moving. The cluster of million points of light accelerated towards me, and slowing, transformed into transecting lines of alphanumericals. I have arrived at the city of incessant exchange. The entity of digital atoms has come to me.

Through the white blur of neon data I catch a glimpse, a series of transparent body forms, now here, now gone. I hear voice, one there, one there, one here, one here. Soft, precise, doppling sounds and images fade in and out, of people, persons, the fellows of my own.


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