Saturday, July 10, 2021

at scale - "Planning" in real time

 (the capital could stand in reserve as held by the federal government)

in the case of a dynamic and organized effort at scale

for infrastructure upgrades 

in America

it's apparent that digital systems and administrative personnel could augment existing levels of government

-to collect proposals for consideration ie. where seed monies are to be placed... where federal funds are warranted

-for community dialog towards decisions - ie. municipal, city, state, regional 

-to support organization of fund raising where federal funds are not warranted

-mediation where appropriate to businesses providing services

also, for the imagination of how infrastructure may be upgraded in a future looking orientation:

-fundamentals on what comprises infrastructure

-outline of expectations in what qualify for federal funding and what needs to be arranged for locally

-expanse of timetable to reach ultimate goal of upgrade at scale

>>>catalog of novel and or recommended infrastructure components

-identification of localities experiencing highest demand

> towards prototypal programs

consideration should be further given to things that support not only economies and life quality but also the environment 


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