Wednesday, September 29, 2021

re: open source_

 -to return the matter to those involved - the item of civic intelligence has been illustrated in the continuing fruitful outcomes from the research and analysis concerning global warming. indication nevertheless is not yet entirely given on recommendations for the future and how to connect to the next organization of action. an item up in the air as of yet?)

Learning: Concerning Goals for public good



                                                                -> -> -> -> -> 

Agendas :: Research :: :: Results :: integrative Analysis :: Media :: Action :: Accounts

-*”bureau” are begun in actual activity/account/project between people, not the institution

Agendas already produced from organizations effectively addressing large scale problems

-a problematic

-a view towards a solution

-decisive act towards efforts in independent research

-further determinations and actions

-timeliness of action 

-determining expertise: consensus on how accurate the legible outcomes computed from the multiplicity in results are

-support including endorsements, public trust, and financial support

-connection to parties for consequent actions

>BUREAU     -   develop implementation capacities, accounting

-internal media could continue to publish

-external media could welcome inquiry and continued reviews/consultations

(-also positive media: milestones, information on process)

-With ocean level rising having been a global question, research from across the community has produced a wealth of research papers.  There is organizational intelligence apparent shown in the wide distribution of researchers with published papers available on the web and in the presence of integrative papers published by respected institutes.  Popular media coverage remains cautious even as the depth of work advanced.


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