re: COVID - The Actual Problematics, and notes
What are the Aspects towards resolution.
- must include separation and comprehension of the facts; integrative analysis
1. collection of tips (ie. some communities fare better than others)
2. organization of information (eg. what works, why)
3. communication with public (ie. which trusted communication channels are appropriate, what specific content)
- response and intelligence to eventually become distinct and independent in preparation for a longer future: timetable
- what to arrange and how to step de-escalation so as to be towards knowledge gain and enduring resolution: objective
Where are the opportunities to grow non-conflict-based "positive" intelligence -
- sources exist in communities that have pushed back successfully - recovering information require in person travels and building of trust between individuals (how early bureaus began, how insurance was sold to townships)
- how accounts of resolution in past and ongoing scenarios have been or could be informing resolution
- de-escalation has included the idea of Health for the public, likely to need come into balance with issues of the social nature that should demand our attention
What ought to be in public service announcement(/information).
- to be included over time gradually the preparation for understanding what length of duration is realistic for the persistence of problems and the process of moving towards possible solutions
- expiration of interest in citizens to provide information often due soon following occurrence, requiring asap arrangements in building trust and accounting
- communication in essence derived from the information collection, analysis, Integrative Analysis, and interpretation collected on the ground level
How to redefine mobilization so as to be/seek towards stabilization and harm reduction.
- whether opportunities exist for soft reform of health establishment: to recover traditional methods of care and to return and install novel information for application in health from current intelligence
- recognition of social injustice includes: role of cross-group communication on individual basis, and further, possible paths towards eventual public representation of underrepresented and undervalued groups
What is another way to prevent escalation.
- to reinterpret notions taught in old handbooks concerning negotiation in situations where persons are within dire scenarios
- deep analysis for internal memos and collection; to be followed by reduction for public service communication
How to tap the extraordinary ingenuity of the everyday communities for solving such problems.
- the Accounting and recognition of leadership and comaraderie on the ground level, as well as the strength of community that resists and resolves what hardship, problem, and conflict at hand
The role of Zones: what constitutes the use of stable zone status as related to zone-based systematic analyses, exemplary models by particular zones, and public service communication targeted to or drawn from specific zones
- information from the ground finds source in individuals with individual agency, the discovery being a collection activity averaging out to be horizontal in nature, which is possible through fundamental human agency as granted through trust: such information may be collected at local desks
- how to encourage communication between departments at scales above municipal or city levels by offsetting past hard separation of levels in intelligence
How to plan discreetly for preemptive de-escalation in future scenarios.
- analytical accounts must follow to prepare for future positioning: while no singular future can or should be guaranteed, the possibility for future stable positioning should be realizable
- message of peace and reconciliation should be prepared for due communication in place of pessimistic casts: victory is to make possible the regard that grand futures can be on the horizon for all citizens
How to tap talent:
- in this day of networking, individuals often occupy multiple roles
- where situations arise classifiable as urgent, new and old roles may require the inconvenient movement of people with multiple roles and the recruitment of local talent
- in the far future, create the possibilities of codification and representation
** Hope that's enough - you should have asked regardless of my last name
The reason for accounting that includes affected individuals, triumphant or otherwise:
“The terror of the Great Crash has been the failure to explain it,” writes economist Alan Reynolds. “People were left with the feeling that massive economic contractions could occur at any moment, without warning, without cause. That fear has been exploited ever since as the major justification for virtually unlimited federal intervention in economic affairs.”
With the democratization of narratives, there has been a generic demotion of the "official account." However, such as periodic accounts that enable agency from bureaus are still relevant. The methods of "classification" may have changed and could take on improvement upon institutional learning, typically built upon the requirements as prescribed from interpretations of accounts.
The accounts we maintain have the function of records enabling information for future scenarios but also the functions of determining present and near-future actions with effects upon the communities we serve, as well as aiding the public communication from the official agency as the central government. If a single account is not possible from the bureaus, then multiple accounts with internal consistency would of course be required.
The correspondence between memos, accounts, and statements is hoped for, but is also based on the utility of spontaneous cognitive grasp and interpretation of present situation at hand. While the world is inclined to believe that all happens at once in the networked world but such has never been so for all takes time, this fact of time necessary for deliberation, action, and reflection could help the demographics to understand the process is one requiring time and learning, which despite our all-too-great expectations of ourselves, is perfectly reasonable and easily understood. The action of writing and interpreting and delivering in correspondence with attempts of various types is that of ascription and is determinative, meaning whatever delay occurs due to deliberation is necessary, as is that time and effort, success as well as error, are to be expected in encountering and dealing with circumstances of exception.
It is important to fully recognize the practical significance of action due process, as we have learned to do in the course of the nation's history in intelligence. That any new circumstance requires attempts subjected to trial-and-falling-short has been proven likely. If old memos and records do not quite inform us presently sufficiently, we may still require them for reference, and this fact would have been a lesson that we must better reflect, deliberate, and revise and augment our present records later for future generations when our current preoccupations are resolved.
UPDATE Due the files and information from times before, the COVID label along with medical classification schemes and logic rended it possible to maintain the stability of communities at all different scales. The label has also made possible the generation of new information as we enter de-escalation patterns and cooperative efforts to reduce harm and delimit new instances of unusual cases.
UPDATE It is worthwhile to re-examine the sequences in history when similar things did happen. There are good reasons why on this continent the matters never became entirely out of hand like elsewhere. I suspect historical records would show an action taken followed swiftly by containment, action of which never strayed too far away from a regard and respect for human rights and life. It is important at present to consult the annals of history.
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