Monday, April 04, 2022

 Unclear when intelligence bureaus became intelligence agencies.  Perhaps when the constitution of the bureau had become so strong as an establishment with full capacity and actuality of presenting a united front and consistency in united states of internal affairs.  

The matter remains of the meaning of agency.  Traditionally, in philosophy as well as common speak, agency denotes the intrinsic capacity of the human being, the American, to act as of his or her own intention, independent judgment, and abilities.

If the bureaus have continued to retain their strengths, but now have further requirements because the circumstances they supervise and intervene with for the betterment of country and citizen have changed, then once more there is a natural call for human agency in the citizenry again.

Of course, the world left to us by our fathers and grandfathers and mothers and grandmothers is at once better and worse than how they had it.  Better because they had maintained their own and made preparations for us and our futures, worse because their preparations shall not last forever into perpetuity for their abilities and foresight can last only so far into the unknowable tomorrows.

What is the meaning of intelligence?  It is built upon the grasp and understanding of what is happening, what has happened, and what could happen.  For this is required not some absolute knowledge dictated by an untouchable absolute authority, but through collected effort of diverse objectives, and through communication, the finding of truthful accounts of what has transpired and what will transpire.  Without knowing what has happened through all each of our own effort, we would not have grasped for ourselves through our efforts at trying to reconcile with the actual circumstances.  It would be a story, for which we can find no applicable meaning as to what we should do for each ourselves.  

Without knowing what we would do if left to each our own devices, there can be no mutual communication to find what we can do as a people or a community.

Intelligence.  Intelligence, then, is not some singular account that one can read in a history textbook or even a collection of old memos from yesteryears, though much may be gleaned from both; rather, it is in the act of information we as communities partake.

Bureaus. What are they for?  They are for the collection of our information, the communities' and each ourselves' - with the collection of information, the task then becomes analysis and interpretation.

The fact remains that for bureaus to be effective, the links between citizen and desk must be forged.  The links come from patriotic independence of judgment and understanding, and they come from trust relations citizens and agents are able to make so for communication to happen.

The bureaus have retained extraordinary abilities in analysis and leadership.  Who will have the ability to bring our age old knowledge of being citizen with responsibility and capability, and who shall assist the bureaus in finding their linkage with ordinary citizens without returning their more recent capacities in coordination and management?


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