Hot off the press: proposed in this message is the offering of games in friendly competition to detour from battle which will result in casualty on both sides.
01. This land is Canada
02. Woods, Skies, Flowers, Grasses; everyone's sentiments are peaceful and for peace; snow-capped mountains being the backdrop scenary; Caucasians' country beyond China-land
03. A military arriving promptly; Striding over the ocean to arrive; Duration at sea, five years;
04. Point of origin is China?
05. From the winds and the birds came word; Last year in May; The Ceremonious Vehicle did arrive on the Good Day;
06. Intuiting in the coming time; here persons arriving successfully; allowing receiving possible or no;
07. that China with lands beyond including this one, a new meeting; Very important event of presentation considerations; is it agreeable to inter-converse in peaceful relating?
08. In this land people hold reservations; Regular Chinese folks travelling about; By momentary lapse become ready but startled; unfortunately raising that they are losing it;
09. This country is composing and collecting; To calm, heal, place, and recognize; ; but are also treating this matter of arrivals soon to come with regard and deliberation;
10. Late the hour already is becoming as things have been delayed by the travellers; nevertheless, discursive dialog may yet be;
11. Happiness to the domain; Pairing to greet one another for happiness;
12. For wonderful talents in arts including fighting to meet fairly; Competing fairly within an arena the interaction may draw excited audiences;
13. Such ceremony to be prepared with care; Earlier to begin planning is better; Immediately to the task of correcting and mending; Hurry by horse to send transmitted message;
14. I speak too much; Rather thinking about peace; In this life and moment, happy; To build an arena for dance and competition
15. Even a moment would last long
16. Honored guest please stay and be vigilant
17. To watch a fair competition would draw a large crowd; and excite this small place;
18. By small treads to advance important affairs
19. Friendship between countries is possible
20. Your military is with earnestness and power of collective belief as well as power in actual ability
21. This country is seeing what comes from beyond this country
22. To be polite and civil and then frankly express is best
23. But who has already come?
signed. Written by xiaoqi
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