Friday, October 19, 2018

I've been intrigued by the notion of tabula rasa. It seems to me that a blank slate is an essence to science. Bits of information comes to light from each person in the community from rigorous investigation.  At any time, old bits of information called knowledge could be turned away as false due to new discoveries; at the same time, other old bits that may have missed an audience could re-emerge and strike harmony with new bits to circulate and run wild amongst an audience that are receptive. That these events are commonplace and occur frequently in scientific research means that amongst continuous activities by many people, these activities that produce the bits of information, are always premised upon the open nature of inquiry. A sense of the blank slate does not dismiss what truth value may be discovered and attributed to a proposition; rather, but rather determine the potentiality of any bit produced and circulated in what is the process.toward truth. Effort is made in every case to draw upon what we have accepted as with truth value, ie. the collecting of precedents from everywhere. The nature of precedents being accepted as with truth value and support the current proposition involves gathering knowledge already established as such. Yet, there is a fluidity in the ground determined in each case of seeking a valid proposition, ie. what has been collected to be bases and premises, this ground which is comprised of many bits; and note, as before stated, one or some of such bits collected to support a proposition, they are not a priori of absolute validity.  In managing the support of the desired proposition, or hypothesis, when it comes to supporting the conjecture, there is dynamics in deeper review of the collected bits. Are they truthfully valid, as far as a scientist can know and be satisfied with the outcome.  Relevance is a way to determine whether bits could stand on its own and indeed even support whatever conjecture an scientist is poised to make.  But that negotiation upon bits whose evaluation cam be dynamic, meaning there are literally fields of data concerning each bit, where discordant info could be put aside but not set aside forever by one scientist, yet remains available for uptake by another, or possibly many others. In this sense of these bits, which are technically available to another scientist who will have to make a judgment for himself or herself as to what is the state of bit regarding truth value and relevance. No bit can die a sudden death, because it is not known whether the bit contains matters that could include a legitimate  insight or in some other ways containing points and observations that could be validated within a different context or from a different vantage point. Herein lies the tabula rasa. The blank state does not imply there is no object. Many elements are in play.  Quite to the contrary to the first glance, the blank state regards here a state of mind.whose contents are comprised of many dynamic bits which are of uncertain (or better yet, undetermined) truth value. In each case, knowledge is achieved by consensus over a dynamic but limited review of sources (all those summoned bits) and their harmony with what is generally known. There is subjectivity in the review process.  But what I want to shed light on is that the manner of which science progresses (toward many outcomes that wish to be established as knowledge - the processes and the elements in each case are requiring the sensibilities of a beginning mind.  Not allowing your preconceptions rule the lens through which you see, but always starting over by being without presumption of the truth value of anything. Perhaps this, what I have described her, is an ideal way that is not quite the case in practice. Certainly, the way that science is practiced there has to be some basis for assumption that something is true, for otherwise we could never start. But the potential this social and informationistic arrangement contain an ideal method.  Questioning every bit of information, some already established as knowledge, seems in practice to be very tedious; there needs always be some presupposed ground upon which to conjecture. But that in essence science in its perfect form carries the ideal of tabula rasa; it gives rise to a mode of working that could produce genuine meaning in an always open inquiry.