Tuesday, April 12, 2022

  When the air is very cold and still about near the ground and the ground frozen below the surface, the surface of the ground is warmer slightly than the ground below and much warmer than the air above, there is a gradient of warmth in the air floating above the ground.  At the height of the human being, the air is still noticeably warmer though the word warm is somewhat inappropriate for it is still below the temperature at which water freezes by quite a bit.  Yet, in this gradient, the air near the ground within the human height is markedly less cold than it should be, and stiller by my observation than the thick and slow air current above.  At this temperature within the human height, and slightly above, this air is susceptible for the formation of very small ice crystal like snow.  The current of air circulating is multiple and many and fairly delicate, causing the ice crystals generated to float upon them and to move in different curvatures towards changing directions.  In this way, ice crystal resembling that of the weather of snow about the person could be formed and be seen to circulate.  The experience remains mysterious: this is a speculative observation based in analysis of a phenomenon observed.  To be recorded into observation journal.  Temperature: approx -32 to -34 degrees celcius.  Weather: non-snowing.  Sky: white not greyish. Wind: none.  Additional comments: subjectively, there was a phenomenon of incandescence in the ice crystal and air circulating about my person.