Monday, August 12, 2024

 TELEGRAPH> August 12, 2024 Monday

Braked on major practicuum in the future yet. Tesla estate philosophy found defense arguments by America Returns Future yes. Printouts to Interest like and space recruits. Business For Freedom takes smaller worlds issue the globe as in Keplerian where adoration of the . Have you seen picture like mine of Mars. All the Ballpark. 


Enclosed letter

To merry presentation anticipating quiet tour by only verifiable friends of expertise and proof like gold, pending upon current travel issues and available access per staff needs,

Near the time when I began a personal letter then expanded in what lot we had hoped to come into the horizon’s sight but where surprise cued violence out of expectations did delay in ways concerned by more than reasonable that even fares to war was signed. Hope could translate here today near tomorrow but kin of love and lot by fame told stories not by real events delayed further hope even when enemies to the public were taken in before urgencies demanded slips to attend only momentarily. My own companies fear that jest itself had been compared to no man’s Justice, even report men of forks and knives had removed a Justice under guise of tabloid politics as American engagements spectated by many now viewed by one or more countries previously friends. So free the lasting memory of fathers before, as you have read in the literary speech copy for the popular crowds. Meek, I thought, here closer speech to hear news from your companies in what reached me before around February and this month and the previous also how real a modeled and sculpted original design but sported rumors and gossips which sympathy lends intimately coverage by newspapers seek further development via as such a concept hopefully amongst others in my elevator pitch of COMMREAL; while my gratitude to those who offered new models of Hot Wheels toy cars, implying kindly past and future works. The enemy is a difference that lazes, or held by syndrome not intriguing; for my ways towards what fields, what span, what vacuum there is light here and assuming light at an end to the span. This writing under surveillance, my wish to arrive where here is I an architect who recovers swiftly health and the free wandering of mind to printouts moreover from the decade busy with lesser details but a showcase and a residence to raise over decades into century this dream to so many stalled by such as nonpayment and unusual mentality describable only as senselessness, according to another - may this migrant condition cease merry and full soon in the span of this time. 

