Wednesday, February 09, 2022


groot had grown from a nature's branch by this sequence in Vol. 3. groot's grows like nature in love.


self sufficiency when times are hard:
in freedom and liberty, independence and courage

re: COVID - The Actual Problematics, and notes

 What are the Aspects towards resolution.

- must include separation and comprehension of the facts; integrative analysis

        1. collection of tips (ie. some communities fare better than others)

        2. organization of information (eg. what works, why)

        3. communication with public (ie. which trusted communication channels are appropriate, what specific content)

- response and intelligence to eventually become distinct and independent in preparation for a longer future: timetable

- what to arrange and how to step de-escalation so as to be towards knowledge gain and enduring resolution: objective

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Tuesday, February 08, 2022

 Beginning with the wiki

The wiki is a great start, and a solid foundation to the establishment of knowledge bases on the web.  For reaching different demographics given the global agenda we have agreed upon, we need to bring a higher structure to certain instances of such platforms, bringing to each platform to allow:

- the introduction of direct if asynchronous interactivity

- accessibility to varied key groups with potential to participate and contribute

- allowance of paths towards consensus using visualized and explained information

- introduction to world-changing visions for the future 

- participation in input for the development of a platform

- connection to notable resources on and off the web

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Monday, February 07, 2022

 from one of my working files for space development possibly applicable elsewhere:

"Only in hindsight does the development of what later turns out

to be components appear linear - usually, what fits the greater

puzzle at any point in time could be a result of little related

component developments that nevertheless converge in a cohesive

design of scale.

Where development of technology is not linear but drawn from

an undefined distribution of sources, each invention and notion 

becomes part of the standing reserve to range from for each idea 

and even collective milestones."

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 I am penning The Creative Act 2002.

This item was stolen. Please note it is intended as the first piece of a larger and possibly quite complex process to call for a patent desk. The goal is to protect not just our creative works, but the faculty as well. 

Preview here: link

Full copy: link

It is my hope that in time we will find a new USA Patent Desk, which could create, maintain, and hold an indexical catalog so that our creative and intellectual property created by Americans for use within our country could one day enjoy international accounting and protection.  I believe that where we believe in the creative impulse, many obstacles will be overcome and the new will come about to usher in new opportunities.  I will now contemplate further circulation and welcome your participation.  Please circulate the text in full.

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