To Form League of the Able?
In this letter, the propositions for the issues at hand today were given for the consideration of raising a league amongst us who lead, so that we may elevate the country through thinking of irrefutable facts and relevant ideas whose ordering principles may liberate us to many works for the freedom and progress of the nation. It is my understanding a platform for letters is being designed, therefore, I personally invite everybody who has contributed to the platform of fifty to also place their thoughts of generating solidarity and hope in letter for the demonstration and showcase of what their works thus far have supported and discovered in their societies.
This letter below is not the final copy for publication. 202402081310
February 4, 2024
Dear Interested Friends,
Induced in our country in these times are the turmoils and convulsions undetectable for they have not yet find revelation neither in narrative nor containment, and our constitutions are nowhere with the unlimited strength by tight subscriptions to the ideals of the polis as they were only seventy years ago. The establishments we and people everywhere have come to depend on were falling out of range and fighting to return to the golden status quo of being the balance of the nation, moving with the government in and out of precariousness reaching towards providing the populaces with the certainty of guarantee, while people everywhere are becoming realistic to the threats which admittedly are turning the tides to a violent sort that calls for us to recall with great efficiency with the power of history, the rights and privileges of the nation’s peoples whose governance in true democratic form was realized and was real in the empowerment through delimitation of the individual human being from the premise of his and her true nature, this very concept of which rests on the independence of the individual and his or her expression of autonomy by rights granted through congress that set then to be rights and liberty. Were that birth of one or another be found outside the border of nation the inhering of a distinct quality is looked upon by the merited courts, which have the triumph of proof of work after the starry philosophizing that gave them inception, favorably. Thought preceding development, the content to be produced by assemblies are to regard the purpose of projects at nexii as sprouting from these lands whose life and creativity are instilled with essence immediately prior the onset of circumstance even that of the thrust by course set forth before in the great inventions characterizing ours as unique and culminating. However, the polis not having been of an existence de facto but is with the truth of its reason found in a purpose of a higher aim – authority is grown by the many for these offices which claim not but protect, guard, and save through the careful and deliberate circulation of presence and ideas. The intelligence that sponsors the civic society, a civil populace that participates and raises up will resort to leadership with the gaze firmly set on the social goods as the principle to collect all of us, peoples and societies, associations and establishments, as well as any enterprises and material wealth to reclaim this we have always called Destiny Manifest.