Friday, December 02, 2022



in the works: AGENDA and Alternate File

The idea that we can improve our country has re-emerged in national consciousness. We must tend to and add to this mentality. Part of this rebuilding has to do with strengthening our country from within.  Our expertise is everywhere now, distributing across the country and into the world. This happened not as a random event, but in subsequence to decisions we made and agreed to.  We believe in a better world, in the new world, and this we have believed in deeply and profoundly throughout our history of  generations of men and women. So it is that we have invested in our country and the world in this way, undertaking impossible tasks and distributing knowledge everywhere. 

Now is a good time to reflect on and reinforce the force of our belief and the force of our will, and so also reinvest in our capacities. In time we shall see the turning of our world, not only in this country, but across the globe, for it takes time to see outcomes result from our efforts, and deeply and widely our efforts have been and gone.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

  My tweeting is @pterosaurusX