And if the energy resources
- long established - it had been a long road that realized the technological capacities to bring our own resources to market
*promise in commercial leadership in companies to develop and innovate all possible avenues towards cleaner energy
Inertia in practicalities to shift gears onto a coordinated way - supported and funded move onto clean energy, new vehicles, and infrastructure
- understandable safeguarding of irreplaceable resources
Re record of ongoing of Interest-vested management on traditional energy resources At Hand
and current questions to address by public choice
<the problem of large scale shift>
*call for design solutions - eg. at-scale EV charging arrays
- precedent of energy corporations re-investing monies from older forms of energy into R&D for new forms of energy: the difficulty for commercial enterprises to take sole leadership over stewardship of the natural when demand remains constant and when profits remain a driver intrinsically
- opportunities for localities with older energy resources to examine and consult
- opportunities for allocation of such monies: traditional advancement, energy leadership, as well as capital (which is not the least) towards the future
- for the prevalent problem of talent having adequate education: duration-thinking - investment into improvement of education begins with the contracting or hiring of instruction